Eastern Front FAQ

We highly suggest that you have at least 100 MB's free hard drive space on your C: drive for the use of Virtual Memory. If you play larger scenarios, you may need to increase this amount. Not having enough virtual memory can cause games to not load, random and campaign scenarios to not be created, and the game just crashing while playing.

Where can I download the update from, and how do I install it?

What does the update change?

When I install the game, I get a move data error -113. What is causing this problem in the installation?

When I install the game, I get an error install Direct X Run Time components. What is causing this problem in the installation?

When I play the game, I get a failure to create Direct Sound Object. What is causing this problem?

When I start a scenario, I get a dplay.dll error. What is causing this problem?

I have version 1.05 of the game and every time I access the artillery dialog in certain scenarios the game crashes?

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When I install the game, I get a move data error -113. What is causing this problem in the installation? This problem seems to be occuring on systems that are running drives on an MS-DOS compatibility mode. To check this go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - System then click on the Performance tab. If your file system is not 32-bit that is what is causing your error. You need to adjust your system to have 32-bit listed under File System.

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When I install the game, I get an error install Direct X Run Time components. What is causing this problem in the installation?

This problem occurs when you already have Direct X 5 installed on your system. This should actually tell you that Direct X is already installed, and no updating is necessary, but instead you get this message. It should not affect your gameplay at all. However, if you do get further Direct X errors...

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When I play the game, I get a failure to create Direct Sound Object. What is causing this problem?

This is a problem that occured with version 1.0 of the game. I could bore you with the whys, but instead I'll tell you that you can fix this error with the latest update of the game.

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When I start a scenario, I get a dplay.dll error. What is causing this problem?

This is a problem that occurs when Direct X 5 does not install Direct Play properly. On our game CD inside the redist folder there is a folder that has Direct X. Run dxsetup.exe and reinstall Direct X 5, this should fix your problem.

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I have version 1.05 of the game and every time I access the artillery dialog in certain scenarios the game crashes?

This is a problem that crept up when we added Direct Fire to Indirect Fire units. This crash has been fixed in the 1.06 update.

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Where can I download the update from, and how do I install it?

This link is for the UK version only. You must save the file to the same directory that you installed the game to, and then run it.

Download update

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What does the update change?

Added Optional Rule for Command Control. For details on this see the East Front Parameter data file (pdata.hlp) and section 3.3 of the ef.hlp file.

Additional improvements to the setup of fortifications, objectives and units in the Campaign Game.

Fixed bug that sometimes ended the campaign of a leader reported as wounded or kept alive a leader reported as captured or killed.

Fix so that hedges are no longer drawn across roads/RR/paths in randomly generated map.

Fix for Russian 7-morale non-guard units in 1941 campaign game.

Fix for completed campaign missions sometimes being shown out of order in the Campaign History screen.

Improved the campaign game random weather and map generation data tables.

Encrypted main, movement & weapon "PDT" files and all platoon "OOB" files.

Improved the way random map generates villages and paths.

Info Box of unit capable of transporting a rider/passenger now displays a small gun and/or infantry icon of unit type it can carry.

Fixed "Save AP's for Unloading" & Reachable hexes display bug.

Fixed several "resource leaks" that were sometimes causing crashes.

Fixed gully bug (previously, units did got bridge benefit when crossing gully at bridge hexside).

Fix for Opportunity Fire modem problem and chat window scroll problem during modem game.

Fix for mortars retreating without taking losses.

OOB file changes: Fixed German Panzer Division so that in 1943 it changes from three companies per battalion to four companies per battalion and added proper mortar type to German Parachute Infantry Company. Also, added truck to ATR company of Russian Mechanized Brigades, and corrected Russian Light Artillery Regiment that had two "6th Batteries". Many other minor corrections and changes as well.

Change to allow AFVs of less than 40 tons to cross medium bridges, and fixed incorrect flag to prevent German unarmored motorized vehicles (exc:Kubelwagen) from using light bridges.

Corrected speed of SdKfz 11 to 55kph (was 65kph).

Fix so that non-fully tracked vehicles cannot enter rubble.

Corrected (decreased) range and attack factors of Russ AAMG pltn.

Added "2" hard attack factor at range 2 for Russ ATR pltns.

Added missing Unit Handbook text in for late-war (SS-) pzgr pltns.

Fixed incorrect 2d "Military Symbol" icons for several German and Russian units.

Boats/rafts being carried overland are now "carried" by unit.

Added ski-capable leaders to Russian OOB files.

Added new art for Russian ski leaders, and added Russian ski leaders to the Spas-Zaulock.scn (requires restart of this scenario)

Changed (corrected) loading cost for all Russian ski and motorcycle type troops from '10' to '50'.

Corrected (lowered) speed of Russian motorcycle MG pltns.

Fix for Offboard Artillery problem in Novgorod.scn.

Added symbol for Motorized leader on zoom-out 2D map unit icons.

Improved several 2D terrain files to eliminate white pixels.

Added nationality symbols to 3D bases.3D bunker has been made less-camouflaged.

Fixed frozen water problem in 3D Extreme Zoom Out mode.

Combat Results Table now has a 5% chance for a 1SP loss on the 1:2 attackline.

Fixed Map Editor so that it remembers proper terrain when map is rotated.

PLATOON.OOB & WEAPON.PDT: Changed mid- and long-range hard AF of all German/Russian indirect-fire arty (including SP how) of > 149mm to "2".

All Programs: "Russian" to "Allied" and "German" to "Axis"VERSION 1.06 1/98

Improved setup of units and organizations in campaign game and randomly generated battles. Organizations are more tightly grouped, HQs are normally set up behind its units, long-range artillery is frequently placed off-map, and reinforcements belonging to the same organization will usually enter in the same area.

"Faster Computer Player" option is now available in the "Options" menu. Selecting this option speeds up the movement of 3D animations.

Added an "Ask before advancing Turn" item in the Options menu. Selecting this item will cause a dialog box to appear, which will ask if you really wish to advance to the next turn, when the Turn button is clicked on in the Toolbar.

Increased the minimum number of non-wreck Strength Points that block Line of Sight to "13".

Increased the Combat Results Table lethality of 2:1 through 5:1 attacks.

Added a target density bonus that potentially increases the lethality of attacks vs. a target in a hex containing 13 or more strength points. The more SPs there are in the target hex, the greater the bonus.

A vehicular unit participating in an assault now has its assault factor modified by the terrain of the hex being assaulted.

Mounted cavalry can now assault (assault factor of rider x3). However, it cannot assault any hex containing a "hard" unit or vs. a target in "building-type" terrain (i.e., bunker, pillbox, suburb, village, building or factory).

Unmanned transport units can no longer spot. Continued improvement of A/I, including logic for exiting empty trucks when threatened.

Scenarios can now be sorted by complexity, number of turns, historical date, first side, filename or designer.

Complexity level no longer appears for saved games.

References to "Russian" and German" changed to "Allied" and "Axis". (respectively).

Random Battle Generator now generates scenarios with "scn" extension and number suffix (e.g., random1.scn, random1.org and random1.map).

Increased difficulty in attaining medals in the Campaign Game.

Fixed problem of non-motorized leader being assigned to a motorized infantry organization in a campaign game Order of Battle (requires new campaign to be started to get motorized leader for a motorized infantry organization).

Fix for Victory Dialog so correct victory level is shown to both players in a scenario with Exit Objectives.

Fix for medal display problem in Campaign Character screen.

Revised Grain Silo.scn to display proper first side on Scenarios screen.

Revised Tutorial*.scn so they display in proper chronological order.

Fix for artillery crash bug in certain scenarios (caused by the introduction in v1.05 of direct fire for artillery).

Decreased hard attack factors for Russian T-34 M40 by one.

Decreased unloading cost for Russian 45mm and 57mm anti-tank guns to 25 APs.

Corrected (decreased) range and attack factors of Russian AAMG platoons.

Added "2" hard attack factor at range 2 for Russian ant-tank rifle platoons.

Increased range (by one) and hard attack factors for Pz IVD, Pz IVE, StuG IIIB and SPW 251/9.Increased Pz IVD defense factor to "4".

Changed start date for PzJg Tiger (Elefant) to 7/43.

Added missing unit text for late-war (SS-) panzergrenadier platoons. Corrected Mobelwagen 3D icon (Up01054)VERSION 1.05 12/97 Scenarios are sorted by date in 'SCENARIOS' screen. NOTE: When adding a scenario's historical date in the Scenario Editor's "Description Dialog", the date should be input in "day month, year" format; e.g., "28 May, 1941".

Added complexity for scenarios in 'SCENARIOS' screen. Scenarios are now "ranked" on a scale of 1 to 10, one having a small scale of units and ten being a "monster" scale engagement. The complexity rating only reflects the amount of units in the scenario.

Added ability for Indirect Fire units to conduct Direct Fire. Any such unit using Direct Fire can only affect one target unit, not all units in a hex.

Turned wreck labels off.

Added Optional Rules menu item to OPTIONS menu (to check Optional Rules in effect).

Added "Set Advantage" menu item to A/I menu (to check A/I settings in effect).

Improved A/I logic for leaders and exit objectives.

Fix so that towed gun's are disrupted instead of eliminated on 'retreat'result.

Fix for PBEM and Hot Seat bug that caused rare freezeup of "Replay".

Fixed "info leak" that caused target info to be displayed for indirect fire unit on 3D map when that unit had no LOS to the target's hex.

Fixed problem of leader "resurrection" in campaign game.

Fixed bug that caused crash in "Holding the Bear at Demyansk" scenario.

Added new units to Order of Battle files.PLATOON.OOB file changes:
* Increased manhandling capability of Russian 76mm Infantry gun.
* Increased manhandling capability of German 75mm Mountain gun.
* Change to allow engineers to ride tanks.
* Changed 3D icon number of 160mm mortar platoon.

UPCOMING IMPROVMENTS (planned for 1.06):

Continued improvements/enhancements to campaign game and A/I.

Dynamic updating of LOS during a unit's movement.VERSION 1.04 12/97

Added Opportunity Fire Dialog to allow players to set range limits for Op Fire. To view this dialog, select the "Assign Opportunity Fire" menu item in the Units Menu. Click on the Help button in the dialog for an explanation of how to use it.Added "D" hotkey to display Op Fire Dialog.

Fixed Info Box helmet problem.

Added ability to plot indirect fire on friendly position.

Hard targets are identified by their Defense value being printed in *red* in the Infobox.

Added Unit Data (F4) and Weapon Data (F5) entries in the Help Menu. Units can now load onto vehicles when their hex is overstacked. Unknown units now become spotted when an enemy combat unit moves adjacent to them.

Fixed bug that kept scenario title from appearing in the Scenarios screen when resuming a Hot Seat game.

Fixed bug that caused false "reachable hexes" display when the map was rotated.

Fixed LOS bug in snow scenarios caused by "phantom" marsh hexes.

Improved unit placement in campaign games.

Fixed bug that sometimes caused false report of "no lower level units" during selection of core organization in campaign games.

Fixed bug that caused Pz 38(t)s to show up in the German player's core tank organizations too often in 1941 campaign games.

Fixed bug that sometimes caused platoons/companies to disappear from the player's initial core organization.

Fixed inconsistency in listing of core organization unit ID numbers.

Fixed upgrade bug in campaign game that sometimes caused "downgrade".

Fixed bug that allowed the player to control enemy units in campaign games.

Fixed MPlayer exit problem.Fixed typos and bad jumps in main help file.

Implemented minimum-range firing limitation for Indirect Fire units.

Fixed graphic for 3d Extreme Zoom-Out Blocked-LOS icon.

Fixed bug that sometimes caused a crash when tank with a passenger entered a mine field.

Less computer-player emphasis on targeting out-of-LOS friendly units.

Improved A/I for knowing when to break off attack.VERSION 1.03 11/97

Added new units to Order of Battle files and corrected typos.

Better objective placement in campaign games.VERSION 1.02 11/97

Fixed bug that caused brigade-level campaigns to crash during generation.

Fixed wrong German tank type in Molvotitsy.scn.VERSION 1.01 11/97

Added word-wrap for organizations and Page Up/Down buttons in Unit Handbook.

The Range Dialog graph in the Unit Handbook can now be closed by left- clicking on it.

Pressing the F4/F5 keys calls up additional data (not supplied elsewhere) on all the units in the game. F4 shows miscellaneous information; F5 lists the units' nominal attack strength at various ranges.

The Menu Bar is 'on' by default if it was 'on' when the game was last exited.

Fixed incorrect firing sound when leader is stacked with firer.

Ski units now ski (instead of run) when they move.

Worked on various aspects of the campaign games: setup, A/I, reinforcements, replacements, mission generation, upgrades, etc.Revised the tutorial document.

Fixed Visible Hex FOW info leak.Fixed rotated-map airplane graphics bug.

Fixed rotated-map firing animation bug.

Fixed bug that sometimes allowed Fields to show up under No-Field conditions.

Fixed bug that sometimes prevented units from being resupplied.

Fixed bug that caused premature loss of Fatigue.

Fixed bug that caused premature recovery from Disruption when stacked with a commander.Fixed 3D Zoom-Out smoke graphics bug.

Fixed bug that kept Frozen Swamp from being treated as Forest.

Fixed bug that prevented campaign from ending when player's character dies.

Fixed No Replay PBEM crash.

Fixed bug that caused Two-Player Hot-Seat crash when invoked from front-end.

Added Prompt for Scenario functionality for MPlayer.

Added processing for lost connection in DirectPlay.

Implemented solution to "Failure to create Direct Sound object" error.

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